If you have never had a magicJack before, upgrading is not an issue. You’re just getting a new device. But suppose you already have a mJ+ 2012 and you want to upgrade to the 2014. What are your best options? Much of this has been addressed in this previous registration post. But suppose you have four years left on your existing mJ+ 2012. Is it worth transferring those years to the new device and voiding out the use of your 2012? Only you can decide what will be best for you. However, it’s good to know what options are available to you when.

More Registration QuestionsI’d also like to note here that in terms of transferring from the original mJ+ 2012 to the mJ+ 2014, it is considered a device “upgrade”, although whether the new device is any better than the original is still debatable.

You will only be allowed to transfer your magicJack 2012 device years to the new device when registering the new device. You will not be allowed to transfer the years on your old device to the new device if you do not make the decision to transfer at the time you register the new mJ+ 2014.

If you have more than six months of time left on your device contract with the mJ+ 2012, among the options available you will see these options:

  • Vanity number ($10 per year)
  • Canadian number ($10 per year)
  • Transfer my current phone number (Transfer cost, plus $10 per year for your preferred number.)
  • Transfer the service under the Old device to the new one and the Old device will be deactivated. (This allows you to transfer your years.)
  • Pick a new number from within magicJack’s preferred area codes and exchanges. (No extra yearly cost.)
  • Use a number I already have on my account. (No extra cost.)
  • Pick no US or Canadian number at this time for this device. (No extra cost. There may be good reasons for this example, but it’s only useful for those who have a magicJack using a magicNumber – a relatively unpopular option because it’s not an actual phone number, but instead a proprietary VOIP-only number between magicJack devices.)

Of all these options, if you’re going to transfer your existing years or months, go for the one above highlighted in red. Options may not appear in the same order or be worded exactly as above, but you will only see the option approximated in red if you have more than six months left on an existing magicJack device contract. If you have one or more existing registered devices and even one of these devices has more than six months on it, all the above options should all be available.

While you lose the option to choose a new number and the free six months service attached to a new contract, your four years of existing device contract time will be transferred to the new device. This option can also be useful when you have a broken device that you are replacing that has more than six months of time left on it.

This information is based on a conversation with magicJack chat support as shown below. Incidentally, I still never have received an upsell email from magicJack. Perhaps my email carrier is stripping them out as spam before it even gets to my spam folder.

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with ‘Rodney’

Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK11153012772623X

Rodney: Hello, how may I help you?

Rodney: May I know the exact nature of your problem with full details please?

Chris: When I’m registering the magicJack 2014 and I get to the part where it asks me if I want a vanity number or I want to transfer an old number, I want to know: Suppose I have an existing magicJack 2012 with five years left on it. At this screen do I choose ‘I want to transfer my current phone number to magicJack’ or do I pick ‘I do not want a new number…’?

Chris: I’m already logged in.

Rodney: Thank you for addressing your concern. Let me assist you with that.

Chris: I’m not asking you to make any changes. I will make them from this end. I just want to know what the best option is if I want to transfer service from one device to the other at this screen.

Rodney: One moment please…

Chris: okay

Rodney: Thank you for waiting.

Rodney: If you want to transfer the service from old device to the new magicJack device you have right now, all you need to do is choose the second option to transfer the years and keep same phone number.

Chris: The second option being “I want to transfer my current phone number to magicJack?”

Chris: Or “I do not want a new number. I will use one of the numbers registered to my account.”

Rodney: One moment please…

Rodney: I am transferring you to one of our top 10% agents as rated by our customers. Please hold while I transfer you.

Chris: Okay

Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.

You are now chatting with ‘Joane’

Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK11153012772623X

Joane: Hi there, I will be assisting you.

Joane: By the way may I ask, How are you today?

Chris: Fine.

Joane: That’s good to hear stay that way. Let me put you on hold as I review your previous transcript so that I will be able to assist you further. Thanks.

Chris: Okay.

Joane: One moment please…

Joane: Chris, got it now..

Joane: If you have a magicjack plus with additional years on it.. You will select the option “transfer the service under the Old device to the new one and the Old device will be deactivated” That should be the option that will be selected to transfer the years

Chris: Does that only show up if there are more than six months left on the old device?

Chris: (That option, I mean.)

Joane: Yes that is correct.

Joane: If a device under your account is having additional years. that option will appear

Chris: And that’s because the new device would come with six months free, which are void if you do a transfer, correct?

Joane: The option “I want to transfer my current phone number to magicJack” and “I do not want a new number. I will use one of the numbers registered to my account.” is to assign a number. not the years

Joane: Yes exactly.

Chris: Excellent. You’ve been most helpful. Thanks Joane.

Joane: I am glad I have provided you all the necessary details with regards to your inquiries.

Joane: Is there anything else you wish to add or clarify?

Chris: If I elected “I do not want a new number…” today, and decide later that I would like to transfer, is it possible to do so over magicJack chat support?

Joane: The option to Transfer a number is the Number from the other provider.

Chris: Please allow me to rephrase. Suppose I want to try the new device for six months as a second new device using an existing phone number. Can I later get online with chat support if I have several years left on my old device and do the transfer after the fact? Once I’ve checked out the new device?

Joane: That is not possible anymore, since the device is registered already.

Joane: The process to transfer the years from the old device to the new one can be done once only.

Chris: During the initial registration… okay, got it.

Joane: Yes that is correct

Joane: But, for the numbers.. No worries on that

Joane: You can change it anytime.

Chris: Great. Thanks. You’ve been most helpful. Just so you know, the 48 hour reward thing doesn’t work. I’ve elected to receive emails from magicJack in my.magicjack.com, but when I end chat, it still doesn’t work. I’m not sure what that’s about, but you probably should be made aware.

Joane: Let me check that also

Joane: Thank you for waiting. You do have it enabled already. Chris.. As for the reward, we do have send it randomly also..

Chris: What exactly is the ‘reward’ supposed to be?

Joane: But, no worries on that once we do have our New Rewards.. We will notify you.. For now, we do have the sale for a new device.

Joane: It is a random reward.. For the extension of service.. Such as 1 year, 5 year plan.. And also a New device with the discounted price.

Chris: So it’s basically a coupon for an upsell?

Joane: Yes, that is correct.. You can access the discounted prices with the reward. Once you have it on your email.

Chris: Okay. That’s what I suspected. I just never get the ‘reward’ emails. Just letting you know. No big deal. Thanks Joane. Chris out.

Joane: It’s okay Chris.. You’re most welcome.

Joane: Is there anything else you wish to add or clarify?

Chris: Nope. Good to go.

Joane: It was a pleasure to have assisted you. Have a great day ahead.

Chris: You too.

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